Numismatic Articles
Current and past articles on Ancient British coinage (Info)
- Click on "Van Arsdell date" to see article
- Van Arsdell 2024a 'The Dies Are Breaking! – Die damage on early British coins'
- Van Arsdell 2023c 'Modern Celtic Fakes 14 – Verica Minim'
- Van Arsdell 2023b 'Thurrock Cast Bronze with Flash Appendage'
- Van Arsdell 2023a 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins XX – Verica Rolls the Dice'
- Van Arsdell 2022d 'Modern Celtic Fakes 14 – A Connecticut Yankee in King Cunobeline's Court'
- Van Arsdell 2022c 'Death of a Die'
- Van Arsdell 2022b 'The Invisible Coinage of Verica'
- Van Arsdell 2022a 'Modern Celtic Fakes 13 – Durotrigan Struck Bronze'
- Van Arsdell 2021b 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins XIX – Dealing with Demons'
- Van Arsdell 2021a 'Modern Celtic Fakes 12 – Replicas from Bulgaria'
- Van Arsdell 2020d 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins XVIII – We've Won the War'
- Van Arsdell 2020c 'Letters to Fairholt'
- Van Arsdell 2020b 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins XVII – Tincomarus Rolls the Dice'
- Van Arsdell 2020a 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins XVI – Do Borrowed Images Mean Borrowed Messages?'
- Van Arsdell 2019c 'Modern Celtic Fakes 11 – A New Forger?'
- Van Arsdell 2019b 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins XV – People Breaking Things'
- Van Arsdell 2019a 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins XIV – Mapping Inventions'
- Van Arsdell 2018b 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins XIII – Identifying and Interpreting Inventions'
- Van Arsdell 2018a 'Modern Celtic Fakes 10 – A treacherous Andoco fake'
- Van Arsdell 2017b 'Modern Celtic Fakes 9 – Replicas from the Czech republic'
- Van Arsdell 2015h 'Catti and Nunney'
- Van Arsdell 2015g 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins XII: Mapping Replicas
- Van Arsdell 2015f 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins XI: Producing and Interpreting Replicas
- Van Arsdell 2015e 'Semiotics of Celtic Coins X: Inventions, Replicas and Applying the Brakes
- Van Arsdell 2015d 'Could Kent Kings Cast Coins? 2: something you don't normally see'
- Van Arsdell 2015c 'Could Kent Kings Cast Coins? 1: the slippery slope of inference'
- Van Arsdell 2015b 'Modern Celtic Fakes 8 – Replicas'
- Van Arsdell 2015a 'Modern Celtic Fakes 7 – the Haslemere Forger improves his work'
- Van Arsdell 2014g 'Modern Celtic Fakes 6 – an "obvious" fake'
- Van Arsdell 2014e 'Modern Celtic Fakes 5 – Haslemere vs. the legendary forgers'
- Van Arsdell 2014d 'Modern Celtic Fakes 4 – the best Haslemere forgeries'
- Van Arsdell 2014c 'Modern Celtic Fakes 3 – Haslemere Die Dressing Errors'
- Van Arsdell 2014b 'Modern Celtic Fakes 2 – Haslemere Silver: some diagnostics'
- Van Arsdell 2014a 'Modern Celtic Fakes 1 – Cast forgeries of Durotrigan silver staters'
- Most of the following articles appeared in the pages of Spink's Numismatic Circular and are available here with appreciation to Spink and Son, Ltd.
- Van Arsdell 2010b 'Semiotics of Celtic coins IX – The Minefield of Metaphor'
- Van Arsdell 2010a 'Semiotics of Celtic coins VIII – Seeing past the die-cutters'
- Van Arsdell 2009b 'Semiotics of Celtic coins VII – The search for codes'
- Van Arsdell 2009a 'Semiotics of Celtic coins VI – Cunobeline's ship'
- Van Arsdell 2008c 'Semiotics of Celtic coins V – It's not art'
- Van Arsdell 2008b 'Semiotics of Celtic coins IV – Extensions into the continuum'
- Van Arsdell 2008a 'Semiotics of Celtic coins III – Amalgamation switchers'
- Van Arsdell 2007b 'Semiotics of Celtic coins II – Circumstance selectors'
- Van Arsdell 2007a 'Semiotics of Celtic coins I – Ruding's challenge'
- Van Arsdell 2002 'Celtic Coinage 2001' (report on Celtic Coinage conference in Oxford in 2001)
- Van Arsdell 1998 'It's 1960 again – is everyone feeling much better now?'
- Van Arsdell 1996b 'Muddying the Atrebatic waters'
- Van Arsdell 1995b 'A Boudiccan coin from the German Limes'
- Van Arsdell 1995a 'Some recent discoveries'
- Van Arsdell 1994e 'Clashed dies and the organization of Verica's mint'
- Van Arsdell 1994d 'The Wanborough Hoard: a reconstruction'
- Van Arsdell 1994c 'Celtic chicanery IV – the war trumpet'
- Van Arsdell 1994b 'Two new Cantian coins', NCIRC, vol. 102, p.6.
- Van Arsdell 1993g 'The recently stolen Holdenhurst hoard and coins from the Bushe-Fox excavations at Hengistbury –corrections to the record'
- Van Arsdell 1993f 'The date of the Kentish cast bronze coinage – evidence from Hengistbury and The Caburn', the "Lost Article"
- Van Arsdell 1993d 'Bad day at flat rock'
- Van Arsdell 1993c 'Metallurgical and metrological analysis of pre-dynastic staters in Britain II – the Atrebates'
- Van Arsdell 1993b 'An anomalous Yarmouth stater'
- Van Arsdell 1993a 'Die-cutting expertise in Celtic Britain'
- Van Arsdell 1992g 'Trade routes in Britain via trend surface analysis'
- Van Arsdell 1992f 'The coinage of Queen Boudicca, an update'
- Van Arsdell 1992e 'Metallurgical and metrological analysis of pre-dynastic staters in Britain I – the Corieltauvi'
- Van Arsdell 1992d 'A Dobunnic branched emblem on a bronze "wheel money" object'
- Van Arsdell 1992c 'Three new Celtic staters'
- Van Arsdell 1992b 'Inscription on Cunobeline ship type confirmed'
- Van Arsdell 1990 'Celtic chicanery III – The Bird-Man'
- Van Arsdell 1989g 'A new (but illegible) inscription on a Cantian stater'
- Van Arsdell 1989f 'The silver minims of Commius'
- Van Arsdell 1989e 'The face on the defaced die staters'
- Van Arsdell 1989d 'Celtic chicanery II – the hidden face on an Atrebatic stater'
- Van Arsdell 1989c 'The quarter staters of Commius'
- Van Arsdell 1989b 'Take out the gold, but keep the colour'
- Van Arsdell 1988 'Celtic Chicanery'
- Van Arsdell 1987b 'The Coinage of Queen Boudicca'
- Van Arsdell 1987a 'The Silver Coins of Commius—A New Variety'
- Van Arsdell 1986i 'The Forgery of the Haslemere Hoard'
- Van Arsdell 1986h 'The Silver Coinage of Commius'
- Van Arsdell 1986g 'Rescuing a Catti Stater'
- Van Arsdell 1986f 'Rescuing a North East Coast Stater'
- Van Arsdell 1986e 'The Second Haslemere Hoard and some Haslemere Stragglers'
- Van Arsdell 1986d 'False Dobunnic Coins from the Hand of the Haslemere Forger'
- Van Arsdell 1986c 'A Metallurgical Condemnation of the Haslemere Hoard'
- Van Arsdell 1986a 'Ancient Forgeries Demonstrate Celts Used Coins as Money'
- Van Arsdell 1985c 'False Coritanian Staters from the Hand of the Haslemere Forger'
- Van Arsdell 1985b 'The Origin and Date of the Silver Coritanian Coinage', NCIRC
- Van Arsdell 1985a 'The Hallmark of the Haslemere Forger'
- Van Arsdell 1984d 'A Note on the Date of the British Potin Coinage'
- Van Arsdell 1984c 'Yet Another Surprise from the Haslemere Hoard'
- Van Arsdell 1984b 'The Missing Coins from the Collection of Sir John Evans'
- Van Arsdell 1984a 'The Origin of the British L Stater and the Problem of the Catuvellauni'
- Van Arsdell 1983b 'Dumnoc Tigir Seno'
- Van Arsdell 1983a 'A Note on the Earliest Types of British Potin Coins'
- Van Arsdell 1980 'Correspondence' (1756 Withy and Ryall catalogue and John White intrigues)